New Testament City

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Seek Me

 Author: Tolu Cole  Category:  Publisher: Image 126  Published: 25/01/2025  Pages: 105  Language: English  Download

Like most of the compilations we’ve done in the past, they were all initially

unplanned. This volume is no different. What is now being presented to

you is the initiation work of the Holy Ghost.

He had been guiding me in the lines of knowing Him more and more. His

fellowship, His sweetness, His Power. And the instruction in my soul this

season was to Seek all the more. To ask for the Spirit, to seek the Son, and

to knock at the Father’s presence.

Interestingly, it’s been almost four months now that we’ve been learning

about the HolyGhost at our prayer/bible study group, and on our quarterly

communion retreats, He has called us to “Seek Him”. He has led us in this

direction as we asked and prayed to know how He would have us come to


I asked, “Lord, what is it to seek you?, how do we seek you? why must we

seek now? what are some benefits of seeking you? what are some

distractions to seeking you? what are some consequences of not seeking

you? And ultimately, who is the Lord we seek? These questions became the

lens through which the Holy Ghost taught His word to us. And this is what

has been outlined in this volume.

My prayer is that as you read these pages, your heart would be captured by

the Lord and you would set your heart to seek the Lord, knowing that when

you seek Him, you’ll find Him. Because that’s exactly what He said.

Think about it. We don’t enter into rest when we seek ourselves, but we

enter into rest when we seek Jesus, He is the Lord. When we are poor in

spirit, and not full of ourselves, we can rest on the Lord. We need to be emptied of self-love and filled with love for Jesus.

Then, the posture of our hearts would be one that sings; “who is like the


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